Danganronpa end of chapter gif

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'Shut it Pin Head!' Snowball insulted.I think. 'Wait! You are the headmaster!? That's ridiculous!' Pin shouted. 'Idiot! I am the headmaster, I see their information!' Fourokuma yelled.

Then Fourokuma sapped him on the back of his head, 'Ow!' He felt proud of himself for sharing his thoughts. 'He is the master of information!' X-O-Kuma yelled happily. Golf Ball Putts, SHSL Mathematician!' Fourokuma chuckled at Golf Ball's apparent foolery. 'Pfft! I don't just know his name! I know all your names and talents, Ms. He just turned away as if we were little rats. 'How do you know his name!?' GB asked, she seemed to be wondering the same thing as I was. 'Good, then you'll appreciate this game, Snowball!' Fourokuma pointed to SB, I was confused, how did he know his names? 'Yes! I'd rather do anything over studies!' Snowball cheered, man I hate that guy, he thinks he's so macho and stuff, but he's just a big jerk! Plus, we're pretty much opposite.

'I propose a game!' He started, 'It's a simple game, and you get to avoid studies!' Some smiled, some groaned, some were shocked, some were dead silent, I was one of those. The silence sent chills down my spine, the room went cold, you could hear the breathing of fellow students. We all stared at the blue and black four, he had a crazed smile on his face.

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