If you are finding the issue persisting in your Unity project, you may need to find a workaround or not use component-based character meshes with blendshapes. This issue was marked as resolved because there is nothing more that can be done about it until addressed by Unity. I believe disabling the 'Smoothing Groups' option will retain the edited normals on export from what I remember. Try experimenting with the 'Include > Geometry check boxes' while exporting your. Plask is a web-based AI solution for generating 2D images with tailored poses and angles, streamlining the creation of captivating visuals for characters. If using calculated normals/tangents, normals are updated, but meshes don't respect 'hard edges' aka it is unusable with component-based character meshes where you separate pieces of the character and have the border edges locked to match between meshes.'Īs to why the FBX imports back into Maya with the same issue that likely has to do with your Maya. ' Imported normals/tangents in meshes with blendshapes do not update when the mesh is blended, resulting in bent normal directions. You can follow the bug report from the Unity Issue Tracker as previously linked - Blendshapes Do Not Update Normal Directions.
Established that this is an issue with Unity that - as far as I can tell - has yet to be resolved.