Though losing a lover can be an isolating experience, it might make you feel better to know that you're not alone. People move away, change their priorities, find new careers, and - on the path to finding themselves - they may find their partner doesn't fit into the equation. Sometimes, a relationship reaches a quiet conclusion, which can be even more painful than a messy split. The end of a relationship doesn't necessarily include betrayal and big blowups.
A sad story is sometimes the best love story.
Sorry to be a downer, friends, but it's true. But before you get a happy fairytale ending, there's a chance you'll collect a sad love story or two along the way. DW, heartbreak won't stop you from moving on and pursuing new relationships. You might fall for someone who doesn't return your phone calls or dates your best friend or simply doesn't feel the same way you do. Love stories don't always have a happy ending.